Description If you are planning to modify your office and confused in where to buy affordable furniture in New York City, then we are here to help you. Visit our online store to buy best, at affordable prices.

Ace Office Furniture deals in all types office furniture like office desks, credenzas, cubicles, partition panels & systems, reception furniture, conference room furniture, office chairs, filling, lobby furniture, wardrobes, storage, bookcases, etc.
Address 229 42 Street
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 866-964-8457
Fax number 718-965-8461
Nearest subway/
train station
36 St (D, N, R)
Nearest bus stop 3 Av/42 St (B37)
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Submission Date 10:26:2014 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.65336
Longitude: -74.011531

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