Description is an online food ordering and delivery service based in New York City, specializing in food trucks and restaurants, allowing users to skip the line and easily place orders for delivery or pick-up.

With stress-free searching, customized delivery options, and a growing number of food restaurants and food trucks in our database, we're changing the way you find and order food online.
Address 235 E 51st St
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 212-644-8910
Nearest subway/
train station
51 St (6)
Nearest bus stop 3 Av/E 50 St (QM1, QM2, QM4, QM5, QM6, QM10, QM12, QM24)
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Submission Date 08:07:2013 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.756014
Longitude: -73.968715

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