Description NYC Pain Relief Medicine is a leading comprehensive pain management located in NYC. We offer back pain, hip pain treatment, knee pain treatment, lower back pain, migraine specialist, pain management clinic and other shoulder pain treatment services.

Dr. Stanley Ikezi is a Double Board Certified Pain Management Specialist. He is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, as well as a Board-Certified Interventional Pain Management Physician.
Address 188-18 Linden Blvd
New York City
United States of America
Phone number 718-400-7246
Nearest subway/
train station
St. Albans
Nearest bus stop Farmers Blvd/Linden Blvd (Q3)
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Submission Date 03:02:2021 (Edited)

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Latitude: 40.691654
Longitude: -73.763266

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